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Camborne Regeneration Forum Constitution

  1. Name

    1. The organisation shall be known as Camborne Regeneration Forum.​

  2. Aim

    1. To assist, support and further the regeneration of the Parish of Camborne.​

  3. Powers

    1. Camborne Regeneration Forum shall have the power to raise funds andembark upon any lawful activities (including those involving other local groups) as may be necessary to fulfil its aims.​

  4. Membership

    1. Membership shall be available to all people and organisations regardless oftheir age, race, sex, religion, political affiliation, disabilities or beliefs, who reside, work or have direct interest in Camborne.​

    2. A Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by members present.

    3. A Management Committee of no more than 19 members will be elected at theAnnual General Meeting.

      The Committee will include: 

      • The Chairman

      • Vice Chairman

      • Secretary

      • Treasurer

      • The Mayor of Camborne.

      • 2 members of Camborne Town Council

      • 1 representative of Camborne Business Improvement District

      • 8 members representing the residents and voluntary groups of Camborne

      • 1 member from Camborne Fairtrade Association

    4. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt as and when appropriateadditional non-voting members to address specific tasks that may arise.

    5. Subject to the provisions of 4:6 below all members of the Committee will have an equal right to vote and decisions will be taken by simple majority. If the votes are equal the Chairman shall have a second casting vote.

    6. The Committee shall have the services of non voting advisers from the
      following organisations: –

      • Cornwall Council – Community Link Officer for Camborne, Pool, Illogan, Redruth & the Mining Villages.

      • Camborne Town Council – The Town Clerk.

    7. Decisions upon membership shall be made by the Committee, whosedecision shall be final. The Committee will have the right to terminate membership of any individual or group if, in its opinion, it is in the best interests of Camborne Regeneration Forum.

  5. Meetings

    1. The Committee shall be required to meet no fewer than six times a year​

    2. Camborne Regeneration Forum Committee meetings are open to the public unless the Committee votes to the contrary on grounds of confidentiality.

    3. At all Committee meetings five voting Committee Members shall constitute a quorum.

    4. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Month of June or as soon as possible thereafter. Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given at least 21 days in advance.

    5. Written minutes of all meetings must be taken and a signed copy kept by the Secretary.

    6. ​

  6. Finance

    1. Camborne Regeneration Forum shall operate a bank account or accounts in its own name and transactions will require two signatures from any of the following to validate the same:​

      • The Chairman

      • The Vice-Chairman

      • Treasurer​

    2. Camborne Regeneration Forum shall finance its activities throughsubscriptions, grants, donations and any other activities (including trading) as determined by its members.

    3. All income shall be applied solely to further the aims and objectives ofCamborne Regeneration Forum. No portion of income shall be paid to anymember, other than by way of reimbursement of reasonable expensesproperly incurred in the name of Camborne Regeneration Forum.

    4. The Treasurer shall report the state of finances at each Committee meetingand every year the accounts shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

    5. The accounts shall be examined annually by an Independent Examiner appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

  7. Amendments

    1. Amendments may only be made to the Constitution at an Annual General Meeting, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called by written request to the Committee and signed by not less than five members.​

    2. Any such amendment must be:​​​

      1. seconded by at least two members

      2. communicated in writing (in full text with seconding names andsignatures attached) to the Secretary not less than fourteen calendar days before the meeting at which the amendment is proposed to be moved.

      3. Circulated to all members at least seven days before the meeting atwhich the amendment is proposed to be moved.​

  8. Dissolution

    1. Camborne Regeneration Forum may at any time be dissolved by aresolution passed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at anExtraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.​

    2. Such resolution shall contain instructions for the disposal of any assets heldby, or in the name of Camborne Regeneration Forum after the satisfactionof all debts and liabilities. After such satisfaction any monies or assets shallbe transferred to a local organisation/organisations or local registered charity/charities with similar aims and objectives. No monies or assets shall be transferred to any individual.



Original Constitution agreed at an E.G.M. of CAMBORNE REGENERATION held at the Basset Centre, Basset Road, Camborne
Wednesday 14th December 2005.


Constitution amended at the A.G.M. of CAMBORNE REGENERATION FORUM held at Tyack’s Hotel, Camborne

Monday 3rd June 2013.


Constitution last amended at the A.G.M. of CAMBORNE REGENERATION FORUM held at Tyack’s Hotel, Camborne

Monday 4th June 2018.

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