Our Members & Organisations
CRF Membership is open to all people and organisations who reside, work or have a direct interest in our Town. There is no joining or membership fee; all you need to do is complete the CRF Membership Application Form.
Chairman: George Le Hunte
Vice Chairman: Ivor Corkell
Treasurer: Ivor Corkell
Secretary: George Le Hunte
Minute Secretary: Ivor Corkell
BID Camborne
Anna Pascoe
BID Camborne represents 320 businesses in Camborne that are working together to make their town a better place to do business. Launched in May 2012, they have three core themes rolling out: Environment and Promotion, Cost Savings and Best for Business. Working to the three themes mentioned above, they aim to; make Camborne a welcoming town for residents and visitors, support and organise events, help levy payers to save money, provide business support and promote the town as a destination for shopping, eating and exploring.
Website www.cambornetown.com
Cornwall Council
Cllr. Paul White
Helen Kneale
Cornwall Council is the unitary authority for the county of Cornwall in the United Kingdom, not including the Isles of Scilly, which has its own council.
More information regarding the different departments within the council can be found via their
website www.cornwall.gov.uk
Camborne Green & Clean
Cllr. Paul White
Carol Kitto
The group was formed in January 2015 to address the issues of litter and weeding through voluntary action in the Camborne parish local environment and includes car parks, streets, lanes and open spaces.
With over 40 volunteers we meet throughout the year in regular, organised litter picks and weeding sessions and unfortunately the continual battle against fly tipping.
If you are interested in joining the Green and Clean group or would like to attend the next litter picking session, please email Cllr. Paul White on cllr.paul.white@cornwall.gov.uk
Trevithick Society
Sheila Saunders
As a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation, the Society aims to encourage an interest in Cornwall’s Industrial Heritage through lectures, outings and other meetings and by publishing the results of individual research through its website, journal and other publications.
Throughout the year the Society hosts lectures on a range of topics at its centres at King Edward Mine near Camborne.
All lectures are free to members.
Website www.trevithicksociety.info
John Harris Society
Phillip Hills
The John Harris Society is an organisation that celebrates the life and work of John Harris (1820 - 1884) : John Harris was one of Cornwall’s most famous sons. He published 15 books of poetry plus an autobiography and wrote 100 hymns, as well as a number of tracts on subjects ranging through slavery, war, alcohol abuse and cruelty to animals, despite the hardness and busyness of his life. It is said that he beat Lord Tennyson to the Tercentenary Shakespeare prize in 1864! John Harris’s writing is also an excellent primary historical source for life, both in the countryside and the town, in Cornwall in his period.
Website www.johnharrissociety.org.uk
Camborne Town Council
Mayor Cllr. James Ball
Cllr. Val Dalley
Rose Hitchens-Todd
Steve Cantrill
Camborne Town Council’s ethos is to ensure Camborne is a desirable and thriving place in which to live and work by working in constructive partnership with community partners, facilitating and providing quality, sustainable and affordable services which accord with the community’s needs and
Website: www.camborne-tc.gov.uk
Camborne Fairtrade
Brian Terry
Camborne is a Fairtrade Community. Every time you purchase Fairtrade produce in Camborne you support your local trader whilst, at the same time, helping farming communities in poor parts of the world take a step towards a brighter future.
Fairtrade is now part of the life of Camborne. This shows in the generosity of its people and their growing knowledge and support.
Website www.camborneregenforum.org.uk/fairtrade
Camborne Old Cornwall Society
Ivor Corkell
Founded in 1923, we are a society dedicated to preserving the history, heritage and culture of the parish of Camborne and surrounding area in Cornwall, justly renowned as one of the great mining centres of the world.
We have a varied programme of talks, visits and entertainment and the society is looking to increase its membership with enthusiastic members of all ages.
We meet at the Wesley Centre, Chapel Street, Camborne on the third Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm from September to May. There are excursions and guided walks throughout the summer months.
View our contact details and all Old Cornwall Societies on https://kernowgoth.org
Christians Together
Val Dalley
Christians Together is represented by members from all the Christian organisations in Camborne who meet to discuss ways of spreading the gospel to the community of Camborne whether it is by joint open air events in the Square or events such as the safari supper and other social gatherings. Its
mission is to share the Good News of Christ with everyone
Camborne Royal British Legion
Ted Williams
The Royal British Legion is the UK's leading Armed Forces charity and one of its largest membership organisations. Members get together through the network of branches and clubs allover the country and overseas to participate in social, fundraising and welfare activities.
Website https://counties.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/camborne/